Am drowning in information - well not exactly but have been reading an awful lot and am trying to link and weave in a lot of ideas from earlier materials into assignment 2. Have read some interesting articles about professional standards - am interested in the tension surrounding standard and accompanying performance assessment and ...
"the potential shortfalls associated with standards frameworks that regulate teachers’ work in ways that reduce their autonomy, or that assume that assessment of teachers’ work will necessarily lead to improved teaching and thus improved learning outcomes for students " (Mayer.D et. al. 2005, p. 163)
not that this is what i should be thinking about.... back to work and concentrating on clear writing and explicit answers to assignment questions.
Mayer, D., Mitchell, J., Macdonald, D and Bell, R. (2005) Professional standards for teachers: a case study of professional learning in Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 33( 2), pp. 159–179