Enter the Blog

This blog was created as part of my studies - MTeach (teacher librarian) -hopefully here you may find some musings on education, libraries, life and studying along with generally witty and insightful comments (if i can manage any!).

Please add comments along the way. I'll be glad for any input, especially from fellow students and library lovers


Friday, February 15, 2013

Pew report on library services

The Pew report, "Library Services in the Digital Age"provides some interesting research on what people want and expect from libraries in the digital age. One of the interesting finding was that there were different views about whether libraries should move some printed books and stacks out of public locations to free up space for tech centers, reading rooms, meeting rooms, and cultural events: 20% of Americans ages 16 and older said libraries should “definitely” make those changes; 39% said libraries “maybe” should do that; and 36% said libraries should “definitely not” change by moving books out of public spaces.

Thoughts raised by librarians in terms of libraries perceived strengths, direction and limitations in Part 5: The present and future of libraries were interesting particularly in terms of the notion of community. Perhaps there is more to be explored and gained from public and school library partnerships.