Enter the Blog

This blog was created as part of my studies - MTeach (teacher librarian) -hopefully here you may find some musings on education, libraries, life and studying along with generally witty and insightful comments (if i can manage any!).

Please add comments along the way. I'll be glad for any input, especially from fellow students and library lovers


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Webdewey and Dewy Decimal Calssification

We have begun looking into Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and while I can appreciate the beauty of the hierarchical system and how clever it is - and if one knows how to the way in which you can decode the numbers to give you specific information ..... I have to say its a bugger of a thing to try and work out and pull apart!

I have read through some of the stuff but in the end did not do all the exercises but had a go at the previous example we had been provided but with mixed success.

My first usage of Webdewy wasn't great. I found it frustrating and difficult to use. But over time (and continual use) I have gained some understanding and the penny finally dropped when I worked out how to use the tables - and realised that you really need to read the notes!!

Onwards and upwards from here!

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