Enter the Blog

This blog was created as part of my studies - MTeach (teacher librarian) -hopefully here you may find some musings on education, libraries, life and studying along with generally witty and insightful comments (if i can manage any!).

Please add comments along the way. I'll be glad for any input, especially from fellow students and library lovers


Thursday, July 29, 2010

confession 4

Am building up to writing something truly insightful about the course readings that will astound people and give a new point of view (I wish)...... However, at the moment i'm struggling to find those elusive thoughts that extend and challenge and add something new to the discussions (as well as sometimes struggling to say awake and focused while reading the materials). Maybe its got something to do with the fact my kids haven't given me a whole nights sleep in 3 weeks (and i've been staying up far too late reading).
I'm impressed with other students blogs and the obvious commitment to the readings and answering the questions posed .... and again i'm reminded that i'm a procrastinator who often needs the pressure of deadlines to get me into gear.
Here's hoping inspiration and dedication comes swiftly

Friday, July 23, 2010

Confession 3

Am I the only one who can't stand self-help type books?
I have tried to read Covey, several times now, and its hard to remain focussed or engaged. The words blah blah blah kept spilling in my head as i read. I'm not a fan of this tone of writing and kept thinking that reading this article was very much in my quadrant IV time management matrix.
Am i missing the point? Or just highly effective already?
I prefer to think its the second.

.......But i did think perhaps my manager might benefit... especially from the part about stewardship delegation. Perhaps i shall anonymously slip a copy into her intray!

Covey, S (1989) The seven habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic. Melbourne : Information Australia.

Confession 2

2 confessions today!

1. I confess i'm spending too much time fluffing about on my blog not enough time reading uni work... Have you seen the amount of reading for Topic 2??? (feel reassured that only doing one subject was the right way to go)!

2. For some time i've suspected that i have become a reading addict. Here are some of my symptoms from the past week:
reading till way past bedtime
reading while watching tv (yes i can do both!)
sneaking away when the kids are quiet to read a few pages
reading while i'm cooking ...or worse choosing meals to shove into the oven so i can quickly make dinner (and then read)
almost missing my train stop as i'm too engrossed
wishing i'd taken my book to the park so i could read and push the swing
neglecting uni readings to finish my novels.

Now, if only this addiction would apply to the uni readings i'd be laughing!!

For those of you here for the bloglist just scroll down!

Monday, July 19, 2010

confession 1

So, it's been a week since starting the course and i've spent more time playing with the design and gadgets on this blog than I have reading. But I have managed to organise a lot of the readings and some extra materials so I guess that's something.

During my musings in the middle of the night (think 3am when you really wish to be sleeping) I came up with 3 blog titles that I wish I had chosen instead - many of the ones I originally wanted to pick were already taken - and other students blog names are very good, so needless to say, I was a little miffed that my inspiration was both in the middle of the night and too late....

So far no ahh haa for ETL401 - probably as a result of the fact i haven't quite read what i'd intended to do - but children, work, a bout of conjunctivitis and blogging have contrived against me.... but not for long am off to set this straight (just after i get the lunch, put the child to bed and finish off designing the birthday invitation for soon to be 6 year old ....

Friday, July 16, 2010

Enter the first blog

Well, yes I have gone a little overboard with the 'enter' idea but as this is a new blog i'm allowing myself some room for playing.....

This is the first week of semester and I have already freaked out about the workload and subsequently dropped out of a subject (ETL501) - I need to ease myself back into study and as most of you will attest working, children and studying is an interesting balancing act. On top of that I feel I need to get a better handle on the subject and a feel for the assessment expectations before launching into 2 subjects.

So here I am, I've have looked over the module and printed some reading material (with the idea that i'm going to read on the train) and am all set to start and feeling glad its only one subject!