Enter the Blog

This blog was created as part of my studies - MTeach (teacher librarian) -hopefully here you may find some musings on education, libraries, life and studying along with generally witty and insightful comments (if i can manage any!).

Please add comments along the way. I'll be glad for any input, especially from fellow students and library lovers


Friday, August 6, 2010

confession 6 - assuming too much

You know what they say about ASSUME .... its makes an ass out of u and me!
Well this week i'm feeling like an ass! (as well as feeling like i'm not quite up to scratch with DE yet).
Why you ask?

1. I assumed that any important messages such as the opportunity to talk about assignments would be e-mailed. Didn't you know to look at the announcements section on interact I hear you ask - well actually I did not. Perhaps I missed or glazed over some important thing like an interact tutorial cause i didn't even look at announcements til someone else mentioned it (but of course it was too late for the assignment chat).

2. This is probably because i assumed that having done DE before, a level of knowledge and intuition would help me (wrong again! it's very different - different locations and names for things and an increased reliance on all things electronic - not even a module in print format!!)

3. I assumed that the things in the library reserve would be the same as those listed in the module as essential readings and further readings (little did I know!) And no I didn't think to look in the library reserve till another student posted about it.

4. Lyn's message suggesting that she hoped she didn't need to tell us this left me feeling somewhat further chagrined ....

5. Then, as I wouldn't have been able to locate all this stuff without the useful posts of fellow students, I was left wondering if this indicates that i'm failing in an essential skill of information literacy - namely to be able to locate information.... and does this throw into question my potential as a TL? (eek, i hope not)

6. Generally speaking, i know i'm a little behind - but some of you have already finished assignment 1 !!!!! what??? Arghhhhh, i'm in no way close - as you can tell i'm still locating,selecting and organising information - the synthesising, presenting, assessing stuff is a way off yet.

7. Last silly assumption ..... that there were more hours in the day - and i forgot that family, work and uni stuff always seem to get busy simultaneously.

Here's hoping the rest of the week won't find me quite so much of an ass.

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