Enter the Blog

This blog was created as part of my studies - MTeach (teacher librarian) -hopefully here you may find some musings on education, libraries, life and studying along with generally witty and insightful comments (if i can manage any!).

Please add comments along the way. I'll be glad for any input, especially from fellow students and library lovers


Friday, July 23, 2010

Confession 3

Am I the only one who can't stand self-help type books?
I have tried to read Covey, several times now, and its hard to remain focussed or engaged. The words blah blah blah kept spilling in my head as i read. I'm not a fan of this tone of writing and kept thinking that reading this article was very much in my quadrant IV time management matrix.
Am i missing the point? Or just highly effective already?
I prefer to think its the second.

.......But i did think perhaps my manager might benefit... especially from the part about stewardship delegation. Perhaps i shall anonymously slip a copy into her intray!

Covey, S (1989) The seven habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic. Melbourne : Information Australia.


  1. I find that self-help books generally repeat the same thing over and over. I read a chapter or two and then the chapter headings and subheadings and maybe even the bits in bold... but that's really pushing it. I'm yet to find one that really needed to be longer than a short story ;)

  2. HAHAHAHAHA I am SO glad to read that Kylie. I read the first page and was like "blah blah blah" I made a decision to not waste my time and read it. I am already a fairly highly effective person (I think as a teacher, and a mother you need to be).
