Enter the Blog

This blog was created as part of my studies - MTeach (teacher librarian) -hopefully here you may find some musings on education, libraries, life and studying along with generally witty and insightful comments (if i can manage any!).

Please add comments along the way. I'll be glad for any input, especially from fellow students and library lovers


Friday, July 23, 2010

Confession 2

2 confessions today!

1. I confess i'm spending too much time fluffing about on my blog not enough time reading uni work... Have you seen the amount of reading for Topic 2??? (feel reassured that only doing one subject was the right way to go)!

2. For some time i've suspected that i have become a reading addict. Here are some of my symptoms from the past week:
reading till way past bedtime
reading while watching tv (yes i can do both!)
sneaking away when the kids are quiet to read a few pages
reading while i'm cooking ...or worse choosing meals to shove into the oven so i can quickly make dinner (and then read)
almost missing my train stop as i'm too engrossed
wishing i'd taken my book to the park so i could read and push the swing
neglecting uni readings to finish my novels.

Now, if only this addiction would apply to the uni readings i'd be laughing!!

For those of you here for the bloglist just scroll down!


  1. You are a legend! Thank you so much for the bloglist!!

    I completely understand the reading trap... Unfortunately, my husband and children just don't understand...

  2. So nice to see other mothers trying to juggle studies and children, too. My dilemma at the moment: Do I hide away in my bedroom to do my readings or do I comb the nits from my daughter's hair? You know which one will win my attention!
